Royal Melbourne Philharmonic
Song/ Work: Messiah
Composer: George Frideric Handel
Audio Production and
Video Editor: Hofland Music

A special, socially distanced performance of Handel’s immortal oratorio, conducted by Andrew Wailes. Featuring the Royal Melbourne Philharmonic Choir and RMP Chamber Orchestra, and four superb soloists: Amelia Jones, Sally-Anne Russell, Christopher Watson and Andrew O’Connor. Sumptuously filmed in the magnificent setting of historic All Saints Anglican Church, East St Kilda, this performance (especially filmed with no live audience present) features the magnificent artwork, stained glass windows and architectural beauty of this beautiful church to reinforce the powerful spiritual message of Handel’s masterpiece. This performance presented to a global audience via the internet marks the 37th Sir Bernard Heinze Memorial Concert, and the Royal Melbourne Philharmonic’s 241st performance since 1853, regarded as a world record of unbroken annual performances.
Andrew Wailes, conductor
Amelia Jones, soprano
Sally-Anne Russell, mezzo-soprano
Christopher Watson, tenor
Andrew O’Connor, bass-baritone
Stefan Cassomenos, harpsichord
Calvin Bowman, chamber organ
Christopher Grace, trumpet
The world’s most-loved oratorio, Messiah is famous for its sparkling arias, powerful choruses, and surging climaxes (including the magnificent Hallelujah! Chorus and the equally thrilling Amen! Chorus which concludes the work).