Royal Melbourne Philharmonic
Song/ Work: Messiah
Composer: George Frideric Handel
Audio Production and
Video Editor: Hofland Music

The 39th Sir Bernard Heinze Memorial Concert, presented by the Royal Melbourne Philharmonic Choir & Orchestra.
The RMP’s annual performance of Handel’s Messiah is a much-anticipated highlight of Melbourne’s concert calendar and a wonderful musical tradition. This performance marked the world record 243rd time the RMP had presented Messiah, in an unbroken annual sequence since 1853.
Andrew Wailes, conductor
Anna Voshege, soprano
Fiona Campbell, mezzo-soprano
Nicholas Jones, tenor
David Greco, baritone
Stefan Cassomenos, harpsichord
Andrew Bainbridge, chamber and grand organ
Royal Melbourne Philharmonic Choir
Royal Melbourne Philharmonic Orchestra
Filmed live in concert in Melbourne Town Hall, Sunday 4th December 2022.
The world’s most-loved oratorio, Messiah is famous for its sparkling arias, powerful choruses, and surging climaxes (including the magnificent Hallelujah! Chorus and the equally thrilling Amen! Chorus which concludes the work).